29 Nov 2020

The sight of debris in your fireplace may raise concerns, but rest assured, it’s not uncommon for some debris to find its way down the chimney. This phenomenon is particularly prevalent if you have a gas or electric fire or if your fireplace is rarely used. To comprehend why debris falls, it’s essential to explore […]

13 Jan 2024
Chimney fire blog
As the weather gets colder and the cosy crackling of a fireplace becomes more inviting, it's important to be aware of the hidden dangers that can lurk in our chimneys. Chimney fires are more common than you might think and can cause devastating damage to your home and put your family at risk.   In [...]
15 Jul 2023
wood bruning stove

In recent years, there has been growing concern over the impact of wood burning stoves on air quality and public health in the UK. According to a report by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), domestic burning, including wood-burning stoves, contributes to particulate matter (PM) emissions in the UK.     To address […]

02 May 2023
The future of wood burning stoves

As environmentalists continue to debate how to mitigate the effects of climate change, an increased focus on sustainable living and eco-friendly heating solutions has emerged. Wood burning stoves have long been popular for their warmth and rustic charm, but their future has recently been called into question due to concerns over particulate matter (PM2.5) emissions. […]

11 Feb 2021
chimney inspection

New House, Old Chimney? Here’s What to do When You Move in   Congratulations, there’s nothing quite like buying a lovely old home which includes a traditional fireplace or stove.  However, a chimney fire probably isn’t the housewarming ‘gift’ you want. Which is why it pays to have that chimney looked at. ‍ The reason […]

19 Dec 2022

The 39th International Meeting of Chimney Sweeps with chimney sweeps coming from all over the world took place from September 2nd to 5th 2022 in Val Vigezzo, Italy.    What is it?  The International Meeting of Chimney Sweeps is an event full of history that offers a weekend full of activities and entertainment, but also […]