Thank you so much for booking an appointment with us.
To prepare for our visit, where possible, please:
- Remove all objects (ornaments, fuel, etc.) from the hearth area.
- Allow a clear, unobstructed passage from the main entrance into your property through to the fireplace area. Move any furniture which is in the way of this route
- If possible, clear a 2x2m (or thereabouts) space in front of the fireplace.
- Ensure a plug socket is available next to the hearth area, we never touch anything within the room other than the fireplace, please provide an extension lead if the only available sockets are positioned behind furniture.
- We love animals and are happy to greet them when we arrive but please shut any pets away during the visit. There will be soot on our top sheet, and we don’t want any sooty paw prints on your carpet. We would hate to lose a house pet whilst we are carrying our equipment through, so please always shut away any house pets.
- To help prevent the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), open a window in the room/s we will be working in, on our arrival. The window should also remain open for at least one hour after we have vacated – This will allow the room to be well ventilated.
- Always respect social distancing during the visit.
Our process:
- You will receive an email reminder 48hours before our scheduled appointment and an SMS reminder 24 hours before our scheduled appointment (if you provided us with a mobile number). When we are on our way we will send you an SMS with a link to track our arrival or we will call you to advise.
- A path of clean, plastic-backed sheets will be laid from your front door to the fireplace opening. If that’s impractical or the fireplace is upstairs, boot covers will be worn instead.
- The fireplace area or stove is completely sealed before sweeping (without marking any surfaces with which it comes into contact).
- We use specialist ‘HEPA grade’ vacuums that are designed for fine dust particles. The vacuum runs for the duration of the job, and while you may notice a slight odour of soot, no dust or soot will enter the room.
- There is no risk of any dust or soot making its way into the room, but we will place clean sheets over any soft furnishings which can’t be moved if there is a chance, we could make contact during the sweep.
- The soot removed from your flue will be sucked directly into the vacuum. The sealed drum of the vacuum is then taken outside the house and disposed of responsibly.
- We take payment on completion – we accept, card, cash or cheque payments.
To find out more detail about what is involved in the service that you have booked – all our services can be found here.
Please note if you live in a controlled resident parking area. We are not permitted to park in residents-only parking areas. Please provide us with a visitors parking voucher on our arrival. We are happy to use a ‘pay&display’ if one is nearby, these charges are added to the final invoice.
Thank you – we look forward to seeing you.